Administrative panel for a mobile app

The problem

For a multi-faceted mobile application business, a single location for user management, community management, content moderation, image recognition training data annotation and validation, paid subscription management as well as analytics and insights was required.

The solution

To provide a custom, easy-to-use, modular administrative dashboard, which allows for easy adding new functionalities. It also provides multiple levels of user access, which allows for the same dashboard to be reused for a multitude of cases.

The result

A Laravel Nova Administrative dashboard, which enables all these functionalities. The administrators of the project can easily find the information they need and are able to perform the actions they need, without switching context between different software.

mobile app administrative panel

Tech stack


Laravel Nova
Laravel Nova


Our biggest challenge was collecting and visualising data from many different sources

Overall we faced two challenges with this project. One of them was collecting and visualising all the data from different sources like Google Analytics. The other was providing custom levels of user access to different users of the dashboard.

Other features





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