How to Stop Procrastinating?

how to stop procrastinating

What is procrastination? Procrastination is defined as voluntarily delay of an intended course of action despite expecting to be worse off for the delay. In other words, procrastination is doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones. How to stop procrastinating? Even though it’s human nature to seek for immediate rewards and procrastinate, […]

What Is a Comfort Zone And How To Get Out Of It?

comfot zone

What is a comfort zone? As the name implies, the comfort zone is a zone or position in which you feel comfortable and safe. As long as you stay in this area, you’re not going to feel pressured, anxious, or stressed. At first glance, this is a great position to be, but as time passes […]

How to be Proactive

being proactive guide

What does it mean to be proactive? To be proactive means to take responsibility for your life. You take the initiative to solve problems and do better. It’s about not letting life’s unpredictability dictate your attitude and behaviour. You could blame the circumstances, the conditions of your environment, or other people for your problems, but […]

Controlling Your Emotions in the Workplace

emotional intelligence at the workplace

As human beings, it is hard for us, not to be emotional. It is generally good to be emotional in certain situations of life. But if you’re not able to control personal emotions and recognise emotional signals in the workplace, it can be damaging. It could be a conflict between you and your best friend, […]

Work Spirituality

We rarely pay attention to spirituality or finding meaning at work. The mix of spirituality and a professional environment might seem like an unlikely match. The recent boom in wellness and mindfulness programs in the corporate world suggest otherwise. Contrary to some popular notions, being spiritual does not equate to being religious. What is workplace spirituality? According to Petchsawang and Duchon (2009) […]

Steps to a Successful Career Change

career changing guide

Are you happy with your current job? Many people settle for a career that no longer brings them joy and satisfaction. We all need to pay our bills and maintain a lifestyle, but stagnation makes us miserable. After all, you deserve to live a happy life and have a healthy work-life balance. But don’t rush […]

PlantSnap enables plant recognition in Snapchat

snapchat plant recognition via plantsnap

We are very excited to announce the collaboration between PlantSnap and the social giant Snapchat. They will begin rolling out the new functionality to its users tonight and they will be able to identify over 600,000 plants right from the Snapchat Camera. Еarlier today during Snap’s partner summit PlantSnap was announced as one of the key […]

Communication Mistakes

Communication Mistakes

As we’ve mentioned many times – communication is key for healthy relationships – no matter if they’re part of your work or person life. And what’s important about communications is that mistakes can happen. While some of them are not a big deal, others can have bad consequences. They can tarnish your reputation, upset your […]